We’ve moved! Effective June 1, 2023, we are located at 7285 W. 132nd Street, Suite 340, Overland Park, KS.
Avek IP is a leading intellectual property boutique with deep expertise in both prosecuting and litigating intellectual property matters. The firm’s roster includes twelve patent attorneys, a trademark attorney, a patent agent, and two patent engineers. Avek IP’s employees take pride in understanding each client’s business and providing solutions that are tailored to the client’s needs.
Any information provided on this website, including links to outside sources or information provided on such sources, is not and should not be considered legal advice. No attorney client relationship may be established with the attorneys of Avek IP without prior consultation, including disclosure of work required and identity of all parties involved, and express attorney assent. We can not be responsible for the content or accuracy of materials on linked outside sources. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.