We’ve moved! Effective June 1, 2023, we are located at 7285 W. 132nd Street, Suite 340, Overland Park, KS.

headshot of robert benke
Robert Benke
Patent Engineer
headshot of robert benke

Robert Benke

Patent Engineer


  • University of Colorado Boulder, B.S., Chemical Engineering, 2023

Robert Benke is a Patent Engineer with experience assessing invention patentability, drafting patent applications, and prosecuting patents. His technical background spans the fields of aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, metallurgy, and computer science. As an undergraduate researcher at University of Colorado Boulder, his research experience included electrochemical cell design and electrocatalyst simulations.

In his time outside of work, he writes, records, and produces music as a solo artist with a focus on electric guitar and bass. He enjoys skiing and hiking in the Rocky Mountains when not too preoccupied with his dogs.


  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Member, 2020-Present